Sunday, January 20, 2008

24th Floor Room, Nice. Nice??

Room Tragedy (part 2 of 5)

16 Januari 2008 (malem)
gw inget kl di jurong east tmpt ngko gw ada tante2 org indo yg katanya uda 20 thn tinggal di sng nawarin tempat. n kebetulan gw msh nyimpen no tuh tante. Oh ya nama tante tuh pas gw liat di kartu namanya "Madam Chung" (tokoh baru later we called MC). Hehe. Latar belakang gw nelpon dia soalnya gw inget pas agustus dia mau nyewain kamarnya dgn harga 600-an.

So, jam 7-an gw telpon. Ngomongnya dia lg di luar & baterai hp dia uda mw abis. MC janji mw nelpon lagi jam 10-an pas uda nyampe rmh. Oke lah.. Jam 10-an gw tungguin, eh dia msh di luar. Jam 11 akhirnya dia nelpon.
Ngomong ama dy trnyata cukup aneh jga. Dia nanya mulai dr skrg gw tinggal dimana, ngko gw (tokoh baru, inisial I) yg di lt 13 kerja apa, dll, dll. yg paling2 mah MC ngasih tau kl disitu harga sewa 1 flat dah mncapai $4000/mth. Lah, gw mah cm pengen harga kamar murah sapa jga mw nyewa flat lu (dlm ati dah ngomong ky gitu gw.). Trus dia sih gak mw ngasih tau harga sewanya brapa. nyuruh gw ama R (who is R? baca kisah sblmnya) dateng.. Oke lah, after gw confirm ama R kpn mw dateng. gw janji besok jam 3-an gw dateng ke rmh lu. notabene gw dah tau tempatnya. Oh ya, pas di telpon dy ngsh tau kl gw dah mw nyampe gw d srh telpon dy spy bs siap2 gitu.. --"

After confirm kedatengan, gw crita ke R kalo gw pas agustus dah pernah liat kamarnya. and lumayan oke. gw jga ksh tau wlpn jauh tp ada direct bus dr situ. ya uda. gw gak crita harga pas agustus itu. haha.. n gw jga gk crita ke anehan dia yg tergila2 dgn MLM "Emway".

Besok tgl 17 Jan 2008
as usual, ni hari lecture IR (baca ai areh) gw dateng yah abis tea break gitu deh. haha.. intinya pagi2, hari gw berjalan sperti hr jumat biasanya.. siang bis lunch, gw ktmu R, gw ksh tau kl ke jurong naek 52. trs gw mw lgsg kesana dluan. secara gw bs nyetor koin2 gw yg berjumlah S$92.7 itu di Coin depositnya POSB & bs istirahat jga di tempat ko2 gw. haha.. pd saat itu waktu menunjukan pukul 12.11

Dgn segera gw meluncur lgsg ke jurong east naek 52. berhenti di interchangenya spy skalian renew EZ Link gw yg rusak scara tb2.. Pas nyampe wkt menunjkan pk 12.47 siang. bis itu gw ngantri bwt nyetor koin2 gw. tapi gr2 ngantri, ya uda gw k tmpt I dlu bwt ngelepas selotip koin gw. Soalnya koin gw sengaja gw selotipin 10-10 spy gampang di itung.. selotip disini trnyata lengket banget, jadi bis gw lepas selotipnya gw cuci tuh koin. haha..

Pas gw masukin ke mesinnya, justru yg terjadi koin gw ngejammed alias nyangkut. haha. trus gw masuk ke banknya ngsh tau deh.. & akhirnya dia ngsh tau koinnya jgn basah kl mw di masukin. haha..

back to kamar.
Jam 14.44. R nyampe jga di jurong. gw ajak dlu ke tmpt I. Yah buat sekedar istirahat dan melepas kepenatan setelah seharian kuliah. gw ksh liat iklan yg di clementi yg 4 menit jln kaki dr mrt (ini gw liat jga, crita ke3. di tunggu yaa..)
Jam 14.59 gw telpon si MC. gw bilang MC, 10 menit lg gw nyampe.
10 menit kmudian, gw naek k lt 24. gw salah flat. haha.. mstnya no 37 tp gw ngebell 35. sadar stlh ad yg nyebutin nama gw. trnyata si MC yg di no 37. .
After masuk, kita ngeliat kamarnya. baguss sih. hehe. kamar sebelahnya yg tinggal org meksiko. serem aje.. ntar dia jadi koboi.. huahaha...
stlh liat2 kite nih di ajak duduk. di tawarin minum, gw bilang gak usah. masih aja di ambilin. sambil ngambil MC ngoceh, "Ini air minum saya bagus, produknya Emway. sehat soalnya ini." trus gw bilang ke R, gw lupa ngsh tau ke lu kl MC trgila2 dgn Emway, jd jgn heran yah.. gw jga dalam hati who cares wit Emway, kentut..

Nah ini bagian yg seru nih, gw tnya brp hrgnya. trus dia tdk menjwb pertanyaan. MC ngomongnya, "disini sewa satu flat hrgnya uda 4000/bln, abang u gawat tuh ntar pas kontrak abis". so what? gw nanya sewa ni kamar brp???? eh nanya balik dy, brani brapa? goblog edan. itu kamar pny lu, koq gw yg ngasih harga.. finally, dia ngasih harga $900/sendiri/mth!!!! gak pake AC, gk blh masak!! trus blh ngapain dnk? edan gila.. ber2 aja gak msh mikir2 lagi. MC edan.
katanya kalo ber2, MC mau ngomong ama Mexican itu. takut WCnya gk cukup pas pagi. --" bilang aja gak mau ber2.. bis itu ngajak ngobrol2 lagi. kejadiannya ampir sama dgn org china di crita sebelumnya. tapi yg ini gw lmyn nyambung. . nanyain berkali-kali, berulang-ulang, gw brapa sodara, trus ko2 gw dah tinggal disitu brp lama, yg aneh mah ngapain dy nanya no telp gw yg di indo????????? krn gw brpikiran yg gk baek, gw kash aja no fax gw.. haha. tambah aneh, ngapain nanya no I? krn gw di ksh tau I jgn ngsh no dy sembarangna, gw ubah2 aja nomor dy. jadi si MC pny no I yg salah. hahaha..
Yg msh kepikiran ama gw mah skrg, dia nanya NAMA bonyok!!!! duh dunia ini memang aneh yahhh....
untungnya gw canggih, pas dy mw nunjukin pmandangan chinese garden dr flatnya dia. gw lgsg bilang mw pegi, alesannya sih ada mst ketemu org, pdhl pengen maen. haha..
stelah cabut dr situ, gw sumpah serapah tuh orang.!!!

Yang goblog edan lagi sih, jam 6-an.. pas gw lagi maen ama suneo dkk. gw di telpon lg ama dy. dan di tanyakanlah hal2 yg sama dgn yg td di omongin.. -------
saking kekinya, gw bilang "tante, aku lg ktmu org ntar telpon lg aja yah"
lgsg deh mati jga.. hahaha... Nice. Nice. ??

__Wait for the next episode__

Tokoh baru:
I = inisial koko gw (tinggal di lt 13 smntr MC lt 24 gedung yg sama)

CONDO ROOM OFFERED! S$700/mth. 2 person can stay.

Room Tragedy (part 1 of 5)

today I share story with Bahasa. Tired with English. haha..

15 Januari 2008
Gw ngeliat iklan di student lounge dgn tulisan;

Each Room has
2 desks
2 tables, etc, etc

There are two rooms offered.
Only S$ 750/month
Interested pls call/sms 9894xxxx

terus gw kasih tau ke temen gw (R) yg lg nyari kamar jga. gw bilang ini iklan boljug nih..
R sms ke nomor yg di ksh tau. afterthat gw ikut tutor aI aReh (baca IR. IR= international rlations).
Ikut tutor yg biasanya sante, tiba2 ni hari gr2 kehadiran 2 org bombai, one of them is penyusup, TKB marah2 gitu.
EDAN!! gw wlpn lecture IR cm stengah gk pernah liat dia semarah itu. Gelo sia! temen gw sih crita kronologinya dy bs marah2 gitu. gara2 bombai tuh.
Emang kl gw perhatiin tuh 2 bombai brengsek. tutor tnp 2 bombai itu biasanya lebih damai dan terkendali. Bombai A ngomongg aja spanjang tutor. Bombai B lebih gaul lagi, nerima telpon.. Mati muda iya kali.!!

Back to room!
malemnya gw chatt ama R. Dia bilang sbulan 700 dah trmsk air.. kalo mw liat kamarnya di atas jam 6 sore bisanya. And yg R contact itu org china cewe.
Ya uda gw bkn rencana hr kamis kita mau liat kamarnya stlh jam 6 tentunya..

17 Januari 2008
Tutor math gw selese jam 3. nunggu mpe jam 6, gw maen dota di SIMnet. ahaha. trus bis maen, gw ke kantin bwt dinner lah. stlh itu R nelpon gw, dy nunggu di dpn library. gw samperin aja.. Nah, bis itu kita nyamperin org mw nyewain kamar. si org china (C) nunggu di ruang 1.10 kl gk salah.
Pas pertama ketemu, C lgsg ngasih selembar kertas. Isinya nomor bus yg lewat rumahnya. ada 3 bus yg ke SIM. trus ada ky nama bus stopnya "Sixth ave"... gw kira "wah deket dnk ini"
Oh ya just for ur info, org china bhs inggrisnya amburadul n gak jelas
bareng2 ama C & R gw ke lokasi naek bus 157 kl gak salah. Nyampe bus stop yg di ksh tau C, kita di tunjukin ke gedung di sebrang jalan. I dont know what she said. gw pikir "oh oke dsitu buildingnya"
tp ternyata C ngajak jalan ke belokan ke kiri dr bus stop situ. gw ama R dah pny firasat gk bener.
Jalan trus jalan sambil denger crita C yg notabene gw gak ngerti apa2 yg dia critain. Istilahnya gw iya2 aja dah. ahaha...
stlah 15-20 menit jalan akhirnya gw liat ada sejenis shopping center, tmpt parkir private bus gitu, n then "CONDO" yg dimaksud!
ternyata interpretasi dia dan gw beda ternyata. Condo buat dia adalah Hostel kecil tnp internet akses!
Itu ternyata Hostel!! Hostel yg kecil yg katanya sih banyak anak2 ngee ann Poly. gw uda mw pingsan ngeliatnya. apalagi C crita2 gak jelas n gk pntg yg ngebikin gw sedikit keki.
Telunjuk C ngsh tau ada tempat doa di situ. tapi gw coba ngikutin arah telunjuknya, tapi gak ngerti dimana tmpt doa yg dmksd. parakh lah..
Dy ngajak ke shopping centrenya. trus ngajak ke Giant jga. gelo tuh org mw ngajak gw masuk ke giant. kayak gak penting gitu.. Sapa peduli kl giant itu gede? dr namanya jga dah ketauan gede.
Intinya sih most of the time i dont understand. haha
stlh itu gw nunggu shuttle bus yg ke clementi mrt dr shopping cntre. C ngajak ngbrl yg agk gk penting. DE lebih susah lah drpd DMS trus macem2 lah. intinya mah cm bwt ngulur waktu. ahaha. trakhirnya gw ngomong "gw ntar omongin lagi ama R trus tanya jga ama bonyok, baru ntar gw ksh tau lagi 2-3 hr" wlpn gw tau gw pasti gk ngambil.. haha ...

akhirnya naek shuttle bus, di perjalanan gw brbagi kekesalan dgn R. C gak ngerti apa2 scara dy duduk di depan gw jga. ahaha..
gw berhenti di bus stop depan spy bs naek 77.
Bus nyampe, EZ Link gw gak bs di pake. parakh. edan sakit!!.

__wait for the next series__

R : temen gw yg lg nyari kamar jga. skrg tinggal di gedung sebelah gw.
C : Cewe china yg nawarin kamar
Bombai A : org India penyusup di tutor gw
Bombai B : org India yg salah1 ank tutor gw.
TKB : guru IR (TKB tuh inisial)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Join ThE Paradise!

Haiyoo.. After it was taking so much time just for going to zoo, it is ended happily. haha..
Just for your information, I took almost 2 hours from school to home and final destination, Singapore Zoo!!

My bro sms me, u go to Ang Mo Kio MRT. I thought, AMK is only 5 MRT stations from my home so i go. In Bt batok station, I realized that AMK station is more than 10 MRT away!! and I had wrong perception. the 5 MRT Stations away should be Choa Chu Kang.

After I arrived in AMK, I think the problem is over. I thought the zoo is not so far from there. But, the zoo is very far! It takes 30-40 min by bus!

It is a nice zoo. It has many animals as its collection.
If u never see penguin, this is a good place. Sealion, Cheetah, White Tiger, Manatee, Polar Bear, etc can be seen in here. Once again, although it is a small zoo, the collection has covered all animals around the world.
Also the management of this zoo is very good as wedding or birthday can be held in here.

It seems I promote this zoo.. But this zoo is really really incredible! The ticket price is S$16.5 whereas children gets cheaper price.

Actually, I dont know that I disturbed my brother dates with some1. haha.. so if i knew it, I would not join. =p

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Help mee..

In the just less than 5 months, I have to face what the world called "final exam". My lecturers already forced all of their student to review the materials. How to keep me motivated in this situation? I don't really even know about it. Moreover, I have to face the reality that my parents want me to search a new place for the next 5 months. walaweeee.....

Still I remember this quote that I got it from magazine.

Jesus answers our prayer in three ways:
He said YES, and give what we wants..
He said NO, and give something better for us..
He said WAIT, and give something the best for us...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back to campus, when will I ready for exam?

Ready for final exam?? Actually, I am so afraid of final exam since I did not perform well in 1st & 2nd test week. Given a letter for registering exam, I have doubt that I will not pass the exam and I waste thousand dollar.. T.T" fail = 1 year more DE.

Stats and IR are subjects that actually I afraid off. Stats has many formula and my lecturer made my 1st n 2nd tests easy. IR, i have no idea with this subject. too abstract n should read n learn more.

Huh, I do not know lah, what's going next

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday ?

On 19th Dec until 1st Jan, I went back to Indonesia for vacation, after almost 4 months full of studying in Singapore (state with a fast life pace, huff..). It felt like in heaven after 2 hours of traveling when I arrived in Jakarta. I missed my bed room actually. haha..

I think this holiday was not enough because I just felt my bed room for 1 week. After Christmas, I went to Bali. Unfortunately, Bali was raining in first two days and I stayed in Nusa Dua where it has a nice beach. So, I cant play in the beach at all.
Overall, it was a nice trip to Bali. Sometimes and somehow, I felt not in mood to talk maybe because, contrary with my father, I did not like to visit historical places.
Luckily, I had some time to visit Joger, a "must" visit place when traveling to Bali, at least for me.

Back from Bali, I just had 2 nights to be spent in Jakarta. I planned to meet my friends from Superteen. But, I just can plan, God do it, my friends already had some plan with their family. So I met my playing friend twice. He was still the same. Haha..

New Year's night, I just went to mall to eat with family and watched movie in TransTV (Batman Begins and Troy). Last day in Jakarta (1st Jan), I spent some time to buy pants. Haha.
At night, I returned back to Singapore. Praise be to God, I got last train from Changi so that I did not pay an expensive fare of taxi. haha..

That's all for my holiday